So what about me?
Hi, my name is Konstantin Markov. My native town is Sofia (Bulgaria)
it’s also place that I’m living in. This site is my special place,
created for sharing with people nothing else than photography – the
passion of my life.
I am Pentaxian.
Several years ago I discovered a new world, that is difficult to describe with words
unruled defocus. If you know, how many happenings can behold, looking
through the view-finder and behind the point of focus. I also enjoy
making all sorts of photos.
Making my photographs I usually use fast lenses – 30mm f/1.4 50mm f/1.4
and 85mm f/1.4 with my Pentax K-7 and Pentax MZ-7, also Canon 5D2 with fast Canon lenses.
If you are attracted to my photos, need just to comment or wish to purchase a full-resolution copy, please don’t hesitate to contact with me!
If you have any more questions, please use the e-mail:
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